Shamanic Transformation Journey

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Whether you need change or change is here...

It can be a bridge or a blockade...I help you make it a bridge.

Is this you?

• Are you facing challenges that bring chaos or confusion? Do you seek clarity, transformation, cleansing or breakthrough?

• Have these challenging triggered a tsunami of emotions? Do you want to address your emotions creatively, without repressing or shaming them?

• Are you facing challenging problems, crisis or obstacles that keep you stuck and you want to unstuck, to transform them into a bridge instead of a blockade!

• Do you feel overwhelmed with emotions that are drowning you in a situation that seems to get worse?

• Do you feel like the little Dutch boy, with a finger in the dam, always covering holes in the weave of your life or putting Band-Aids on the gulf that threatens to swallow you?

• Do you have a dream, message, purpose or gift that you want to share with the world but find yourself procrastinating, avoiding or stuck?

• Do you feel like you keep swimming and the tide keeps pulling you back and you never get to the shore of your goals, your dreams, the life you want?

• Do you experience a painful soul-deep longing to be, live, work or create in another way, a way that expresses your true being, your wild aliveness, your creative genius or your heart’s delight?

• Do you want to free your vast creative potential to live your brilliance, embody your purpose and share your gifts with the world, but keep spinning in the routine of your life, like a hamster in the proverbial wheel? You want out!

If this is you, then this journey will help you to:

• Get crystal clear on what you want beyond mental plans… right down to your Soul.

• Detoxify your thinking to clear confusion or fear-based chaos and doubts.

• Approach your challenge from an integrative, holistic approach that includes: body, soul, mind, emotions, spirit, energy, consciousness, politics, profession or expertise, creativity, gender-class-race and personal herstory, identity and family karma.

• Dive, address and integrate all the layers of your being so that you can “connect the dots” and find a radical (to the source) solution that comes from within you.

• Channel your emotions as alchemy to transmute pain into love, fear into wisdom, problems into solutions and blockages into road maps.

• Transform old ways of perceiving your reality, old energy patterns and defensive, fear-based responses that keep you trapped in your limitations

• Flush stagnant energy and toxins and harmonize your chakras and energy bodies.

• Shake loose old stagnant patterns so that fresh new life force flows into you, renewing your creativity and energy and expanding your mind to find new solutions.

• Clear your purpose, fuel your self-love and detach your identity from learned limitations that steal your dreams and gifts.

• Align with your Sacred Self and see the divine design of your life so that you can FEEL your dream as a reality within you.

• Melt solid patterns and resistance to facilitate change and manifestation.

• Employ your creativity to play for transformation in a joyful, self-loving, magical way.

If this sounds like what you want to do, keep going.


What is a Shamanic Journey

Let’s first clarify what a Shamanic Journey is NOT.

• A is not a consultation, coaching or psychological session. I am an artist-author-storyteller-shaman. I am not a coach, psychologist or therapist. I work with you as a multi-dimensional conscious energy being that is already empowered to change and create anything in her life. You are the leader of this expedition. I am the scout. I know the territory and will help you transverse it. But it’s up to you to do the work.

• A is not a Channeling, Oracle Reading or Soul Retrieval though it may include any of this. In fact, we will engage any and many resources and shamanic tools —as necessary— to get you from “here” to “there.” That’s why I can’t give you a prescription of what will happen. It’s completely designed to your unique reality.

A shamanic journey may be described as

a multi-dimensional quest

into the innermost layers of your consciousness

to retrieve the uppermost potency of your wisdom.

It is a liberation dance with the universe

where you co-create a different reality

by changing your perception, expectations and interpretations

and upgrading your energy frequency

to send a different transmission to the universe.

• Explore the many layers of your existence to weave you back into wholeness and help you “connect the dots” of what is going on.

• Engage and integrate all aspects of your being: body, soul, mind, emotions, beliefs, identity, spirit/energy, gifts and talents, profession/expertise, soul’s purpose, personal and political herstory and family karma during the journey.

• Shake those old, stagnated patterns loose so that change can flow into your system.

• Connect to your Soul’s Wisdom to create a strategy or process that transmutes these old patterns into new stories and solutions.

• Pinpoint the source of your challenge within you in all its holistic complexity.

• Help you understand the path to get “there.”

In a you begin to shake loose those old patterns that prevent your transformation, so that immediate transformation takes place. This change is sometimes mind-blowing. But more often than not it is subtle, yet powerful and unfolds for months after the journey.

You need to create a during and after the , so that you can allow this transformation to unfold, nurture it with your time, attention, choices, actions and creations and absorb it into your identity and lifestyle.

If this resonates deep within you, then this journey will work for you.

However, let’s also address what will NOT happen to make sure that we are a good match.


What will NOT happen

We solve everything easily in one session. Life does not work like that. You know it. The session will be powerful and will shake things loose. But it is just the beginning. In fact, many things inside you will be shaken and you will need to address these new phenomena. That is why I offer an Extended Supported Journey, so that you can keep going, build that Chrysalis and implement your transformation.

I heal you. The only person who can heal you is YOU. Even if you do not take this journey with me, please, do not give your power away to “master healers” or spiritual teachers. They are channels. You are the leader because this is your life, your spiritual walk in the earth. I will facilitate your healing with my own knowledge, creativity and shamanic tools. I will help us channel Spiritual Guidance. I will help you tap into your. But you are the active agent in this transformation.

Are we still journeying together here?

Then let me tell you why I can help you, in case you are new to my work.


Who am I and Why I can Help You

I am Maria Mar, an author-artist-poet-storyteller-shaman. I help you play for transformation employing your creativity on your own behalf. I am also known as the Dream Alchemist because I help creative, spiritual women to become and manifest their Dream, free their brilliance, awaken their Creative Genius and create the life they want.

I was trained as a shaman directly by the through my Spiritual Guides and in my first seven years of training I:

• Reclaimed my vast creative potential,

• Healed my Wounded Selves from early trauma,

• Tracked down my Shadows and how these fear-based defensive selves sustain old patterns in an ineffective attempt to protect our Wounded Selves. I learned how to recast my shadows into the light.

• I transmuted my smoking into breath work. I would not be here if I had not.

• I transmuted my co-dependent, dysfunctional relationships into personal freedom.

• I transformed my crisis as an almost-homeless, penniless starving artist into being the CEO of my own publishing and productions company.

I live in a 24/7/365 laboratory of transformation through creativity. My life is the laboratory and each problem, obstacle, challenge or crisis I live as well as the issues I see around me or in my clients are my building blocks. Using these experiences, I consistently...

  • Transmute my problems into portals for growth
  • Transmute my pain, grief and sadness into a higher, stronger frequency of love.
  • Transmute the patterns I see around me that are creating problems in others into stories, books and products to help them create the life they want.

 From every crisis, mistake and obstacle I face, I create new systems, books, stories and products that help you face similar challenges and triumph over them. I have created the following systems:

  • Story Alchemy™: Employing the power of story to change the ;limiting story holding you back g into the real, breathing, vibrant story of you living your brilliance right now, just as you are.
  •  Living your Brilliance ™: Awakening your Creative Genius, retrieving your gifts and talents and living your brilliance now.
  •  Inner Dynamics™: Understanding your Inner Selves and the internal dynamics that create Inner Wars, sabotaging your success, choices and dreams.
  • Artchemy™: Using art as alchemy as ceremony for your transformation, healing, manifestation and self-actualization, and

I walk my talk and have gathered an encyclopedia of shamanic tools and insights that can be used in your practical daily life. I have published dozens of books and products that provide you with a veritable warehouse of transformation tools!

Every system of knowledge, practice and tool I share is based on my own walk. I’ve used it first until I’ve polished it, then share with my apprentice or students, wrote about it and gather testimonies and feedback from readers and experts and finally share it with you in products and services that support your transformation.

How does it feel working with me?

Working with me is…

  • Intense, but full of humor and funny moments.
  • It is deep, but soul-nourishing, like living poetry.
  • You will be listened to deeply and I will help you to listen deeply to all parts of your Sacred Self.
  • You will be honored, respected and cherished.
  • It is tough, but non-judgmental. I practice fierce compassion and non-judgment, but I won’t let you get away with any BS!
  • Like diving deep through the many layers of your being to find that brilliant jewel of your Essence.
  • Woman-friendly, diversity-friendly, multi-colored and honoring the wisdom of your Sacred Feminine and heart.
  • Embodied. We go to the body for the truth.
  • It is creative, imaginative, out-of-the-box and...
  • Magical!

At this point, I think that you have everything you need to know if this is for you at a soul-level. If you are still with me, then let’s look at your options and how it all works.


Journey Options


Basic Shamanic Journey

Recommended: Set aside four hours.

• This is a 2-3hrs Shamanic Journey live, face-to-face on my Virtual Studio. (Zoom. JAJAJA!) You will need Internet access and a webcam/video. If you are using your device’s video, you need to find a way to prop it so that you can get up and move while I can still see you.

• I can extend the journey until 3.5 hours to make sure it is completed and you are left in a good place.

I highly recommend that you go to sleep afterwards or at least take a nap. Do not go out, socialize or work with people or in situations requiring full alertness, like driving or operating machinery.

One payment of $300 USD


Extended Supported Journey

Because transformation is a process —not a single action— it takes time. You want to nurture it, to allow it to unfold and to help it blossom. But you don’t want to push it. Your mind, body and psyche need time to adapt. It takes time to change your habits and to absorb the deep perceptual and identity changes that take place.

Therefore, I have created this Extended Supported Journey to make sure that you are not alone and that you can receive my loving support, consistent facilitation and empowered accountability during your transformation… until you are on your way and can manage it by yourself.

It includes:

• The Basic Shamanic Transformation Journey


Three months of guided online journaling with Maria Mar. You will be able to share your journal entries with me in a private, bank-level secured online journal that you keep for yourself.

  • Share photos or your Artchemy work or journal writing with me.
  • Receive additional guidance, feedback, perspective and shamanic tools as you you’re your challenges and implement your transformation.


Two follow-up private, live shamanic support sessions of 90 minutes each, scheduled in advance at your convenience. I recommend them at least 3 weeks apart and not more than 5 weeks apart.

A regular value of $1,200

For a one-time payment of  $1,000

This is one-time offer.

  • If your challenge is an old issue and you've worked with it for a while and know it's got many layers you need to address, I highly recommend that you take the Extended Support Journey. I know it's hard to commit to a longer term from scratch, especially if you have not worked with me before. However, you already know that this is a "sticky" or "multi-layered" issue. It needs a strong intention, fierce commitment and consistent practice that allows you to break through. If this is the case, then I recommend that you select this option.
  • After this purchase, each service included in the must be purchased individually at the regular cost.


Optional Recording. No matter the option you choose, you can request that I record the session. Once it is recorded, I’ll send you a link to download it. Then I will erase the session.

Okay, so you are ready and rolling!


How it works:

STEP 1: Choose your journey option from the drop down menu:

Basic Shamanic Transformation Journey: One payment of $300

Extended Supported Journey: One payment of  $1000 .

The correct price will be charged to your credit card in our secured Gumroad facility.

STEP 2. Fill out the Fields in the Payment Form.

• Leave your name, email, phone and then click on the link provided to book your first  session.

• I see clients on Wednesdays (1-3PM EST) and Thursdays (1-4PM EST). If you need another day/time, we can work it out. Let me know in the appropriate field.

• My booking calendar will provide a link to my  Virtual Studio by email. I may send you a special Zoom link later on via email.

STEP 3: Live meeting

We will meet on my Virtual Studio at the appointed time for a consultation/shamanic journey custom-made for your needs. Make sure that you:

15 minutes before the appointed time, set up and check your webcam/video device, earphones, microphone and any other technical stuff. Technology has a trickster. Don’t tempt it to do mischief by waiting till the last minute! You need a video/webcam in order for us to see each other face-to-face. I recommend using a laptop if you can.

5 minutes before the appointed time, click on the link and enter the Zoom studio. It’s really easy. Just follow the instructions and you are in!

• Make sure that you are in a private, peaceful place and with four hours of non-interrupted time for the day of the journey, as well as alone, quiet time afterwards. We will go 1/2 hour longer than the allotted time if necessary, but you also need time to integrate before you socialize or go out.

• Have your webcam/video device set up so that you can move in front of it without holding it. We will be talking but also you will need to get up and move as I guide you through body integration or give you alignment movements.

• Have a big water bottle. Make sure that you eat before the session. Keep the meal light.

• Booked your time after the journey for quiet alone time.



No matter which Journey option you choose, you also get these bonuses, lovingly selected to support your Transformation Journey:

  • 12 Transformation Tactics Cheat-sheet: Learn 12 actions to avoid resistance and facilitate change. This tactics seem common sense when you read them, but they are extracted from decades of working with transformation, failing, redesigning and then succeeding. So use them and watch the difference!

  • MamaQueSana Audio Meditation: Receive a 5 minute meditation to feel the unconditional love and healing embrace of Yemaya/Ocean Mother, the mother that heals.

  •  Self-love Pledge audio meditation: Use this meditation daily to feed your self-love and accept yourself unconditionally, without judgment.

Alright! Ready? Set… GO!

Make this challenge a bridge to the life you want



Terms of Service

  • If there are technical problems, I may send you an alternative meeting modality via email or we may use the phone for the session that same day. If nothing works, we will reschedule. I won’t let you hanging!
  • Cancellation Grace Period. Once you pay and we agree on a date, you have a grace period of 15 days to cancel for a full refund (
  • Re-scheduling Grace Period. You have up to 48 hours before the appointment to reschedule. After that, we are on and if you miss the session, the service is considered delivered.
  • Emergency: Life happens. If there is an emergency, contact me as soon as you know at the email provided in the payment form to work out an alternative. If it's my emergency, I will contact you via email or phone to select a mutually-agreed date and you will receive one of my products for free as my heart-felt apology.



I can tell you that I’ve worked with dozens of women in three continents and have helped them freed their potential and move towards their dream. But I cannot give you guarantees or promise a specific result because the result you will get does not depend on my expertise. It depends on your previous personal growth experiences, your commitment, consistent work and choices. It depends on the mysterious alchemy of your psyche, what you are ready to release or receive. What I can promise is that I will be there for you, give the best of myself and my skills, gifts and resources and that if you do the work you will see change in your life. If this is good enough for you, let’s do this.

OK, I hope this is all clear and your heart fills light and ready to journey.

Empower yourself to change your life the way you want!


I want this!

2-3 hr. live shamanic journey with Maria Mar in our Zoom virtual studio

12 transformation Tactics cheatsheet
2 audios meditations
Chakra Chart and Dream Keywords Poster
Extended Supported Journey
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Shamanic Transformation Journey

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